is a lifestyle and beauty blog dedicated to bringing you the latest tips and tricks and personal notes when it comes to all aspects of your life. Writers and guest bloggers are welcome to contribute to our site along side our full time professional writers.
We are always looking for talented writers and gladly accept guest posts from bloggers. Writing for our site allows you to share your knowledge with our fast growing community by exchange experience and tips. If you have any questions about writing for us, please feel free to contact us! We love receiving feedback and want to find ways to work with you that benefit us both. If you are interested to write for beautyofyourhair , please follow the guidelines below.
Basic Requirements:
- For guest posts, a short biography with full name + photo (optional) will let people know who you are.
- You can also send in 3 topics for us to approve prior to sending a content copy. Also links to other published blogs online is a plus.
- Provided articles should strictly in proper English, having a minimum of 500+ words.
- Make sure article content is 100% ORIGINAL.
Note: Although we’re sure that you are an excellent writer, we may make minor changes to your article if we find them necessary. Don’t worry – you’ll be notified of any huge changes before we publish!
Rules & Guidelines:
Unfortunately, there are always rules and guidelines. These are just the basics:
- The submitted post should not be reproduced anywhere else on the web including your own blog.
- Duplicate content will not be entertained at all.
- If your content is found on another site we have posted it on ours, we reserve the right to remove your article and blacklist you from future postings.
- Any images used in the post should be relevant and if images used is not your own, please include the credits of the source.
- Please us the subject line “Guest posts on”.
The Benefits:
Get your name and your blog on the and our social media channels will support your beautyofyourhair Guest Posts-
Start Now:
If you want to get involved or find out more, please don’t hesitate to send an e-mail to:
We are looking forward to reading you amazing works!